Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Football staff and hoops

Now that TG has hired Reggie Mitchell from Illinois and Darrell Wyatt from So Miss its pretty clear that KU football should be able to recruit.

I'm still on the fence about the TG hiring but he's off to a good start, let's see how recruiting ends up and what the win column looks like this time next year.

Hoops is in the first week of November-

With Pajamas coming back and the health of Cole being lackluster, the squad is just starting to mesh.
The positives are that Brady Drunken Car already looks pretty solid and TT is playing like foreign car.

The fact that Self's elves are undefeated is not surprising, the margin of victories isn't either. And the silly thing is that they will be way better once a couple of things happen.

1- cole is able to breathe like a normal human, I mean dude had 10-10-5 in 22 minutes and hardly ever got the rock- that's AA stuff right there.
2- roles are more defined, with BDC coming back and the talented T-rob on the front line the roles are a bit ambiguous but Self will get that figured out in the next 2 weeks and we'll be rolling.

Have a merry christmas
Rock Chalk
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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