Thursday, February 12, 2009

bud selig chugs cock

Honestly- I know this is a little off the Jayhawk path, but fuck it, its my blog and no one reads this piece of shit anyway, so here it is.

Bud Selig is a ghey. First this tool fucker turns his eye on the fact that people are shooting up more often than than the twins doing something dumb. Then he decides that its soooo bad and now he's mad.

So when he's not ending All Star games in a tie he's now retroactively mad at people for breaking rules before they were rules.

So Fuck him. Way to judge A-rod for doing something before it was banned, while you sit in your ivory tower and make 18 million a year and fuck up and disgrace America's past time. I fucking hate your guts you piece of shit.
You're a coward and pussy.

The fact is that those tests were supposed to anonymous and then its so conveniently leaked right before spring training, real fucking cute- you cunt.
Fuck you Bud Selig, you have too much power and you're abusing it. I'd like to put a javelin in your ass, bitch.
(ps- this might be one of my best blogs ever- just saying)

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