Thursday, July 30, 2009

I like my QB to PARTY

Apparently Todd went to some WT party, and who wouldn't, and he owned the party, straight dominated it, here's some proof.
While K-sucks fans might say he's "gay" I say he just rolled your first round draft pick 3 times, so maybe by "gay" they mean totally bad ass.

Rock Chalk


Unknown said...

Got at a quote sent to me from the Jayhawk Slant interview with Reesing.

When a reporter asked Reesing about a photo circulating around the Internet of the quarterback wearing an American flag t-shirt, Reesing wondered aloud why everybody didn't have that type of shirt.

offense & defense said...

Amen Gord. The kid likes to party and pound chicks, not sure why that isn't considered awesome by everyone, unless they themselves are not awesome.